Loving Acceptance!

We are used to so much resistance and struggle. It is not that easy to lovingly accept a situation or let go. We hold on to the past and memories. We stick to our identities and roles. We believe in should and must have. But then we live unhappy and sad lives. I remember this quote I heard once: Do you want to be right or would you rather be happy? Being right and sticking to our set of beliefs can sometimes limit the options in front of you and make you live in a small tight box.

If we use the concept of loving acceptance, how will we be living our life? Acceptance can be hard sometimes or most of the time. Accepting you gotta move on. Accepting you did a mistake and learn from it. Accepting the people you think love you actually don’t. And accepting whatever change or transformation you are going through. All these can be hard to digest but slowly with step by step and kind internal processing can make it less painful and hard.

At the end, it is not that easy or simple to experience our human lives especially with the daily emotions we experience. But interestingly to take that as an opportunity to learn, reflect and gain wisdom and knowledge, that would be something worth focusing on.


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